Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Reasons To Consider School Districts When Purchasing A Home

When purchasing a home, there are a variety of factors that you will consider as you make the decision where to live such as the size of the house, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, the home’s condition, the neighborhood and so much more. While area of town and accessibility to the highways might be important considerations, if you have a family, knowing where the best school systems are is likely the most critical aspect of your home search. It's also very important for resale purposes.

When choosing the best school district for your children, it is important to pay attention to school performance ratings. Property values are likely to be higher around public schools with higher scores, as those are the most desirable areas for families. Of course, if the schools continue to perform well, your property value should also likely increase. Even in a “down market,” a fantastic school can be the one factor that lifts all nearby home prices and increases marketability of the home for resale.

Cherry Creek Schools and Douglas County Schools are a couple of the higher rated districts and highly sought after by clients looking to purchase a new home. If you are looking to buy a home, I can help guide you to neighborhoods that fall into these districts, however, there are also many top rated schools in other districts as well.

For a list of available homes for sale or for your FREE market report for a home you are considering selling, call me at (720) 933-3456

You may also search for homes on my website at

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